Sunday, January 9, 2022

Copy Paste

ELLIE:  ZZZzzz...


ELLIE:  Copy paste??? Mr. Waffles, what does copy paste mean? Is like a copy cat? Or maybe like we're pasted together, like that white pasty stuff Glogirly used on colored construction paper when she was little. What do you think, Mr. Waffles? Mr. Waffles???


ELLIE:  He's still thinking.  

Ellie and Waffles in Black and White

Gloman had his black and white monochrome camera out last weekend, so OF COURSE we had to share some of Ellie and Waffles. Little Ellie looks like a Hollywood glamour princess with her dark eyeliner and dramatic lighting. 

We got some much needed snow over the past week too. Glogirly has been skiing every chance she gets. Here are just a couple of beautiful winter wonderland scenes out our window.


  1. We know that Gloman enjoys his special b&w camera, and these images are just beautiful.
    By the way, my nephew, his wife and twin baby girls (plus a super huge doggo!) live not far from you, and they've had to relocate due to the fire. They've reported that they are doing well, and their home is not endangered but then cannot live there yet.

  2. Lovely snowy images!!

    The B&W ones are amazing,too. Kind of brings me back to the days when that was about the only way pics were developed, yes, I am ancient! LOL!

  3. Wow they sure have become best friends. Love all your photos.

  4. We just love these black and white photos. It looks like Waffles will be right with you for an answer Ellie. Lol!! Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great rest of your week.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse


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