Sunday, September 26, 2021

Office Cats

ELLIE:  Miss Ellie Belly, reporting for doody. 

WAFFLES:  Doody??? Don't you mean duty?

ELLUIE:  That's what I said, Mr. Waffles. Reporting for doody. It's my job, you know. Helping Gloman with his office stuff. I've been working really hard too. He told me I might get a promotion. Would that make me your boss???

WAFFLES:  Yeah, NO. That's not going to happen, Ellie. I think you should get back to your doody

ELLIE:  Well if I can't be your boss and stuff, can I be your assistant too? 

WAFFLES:  How about I sleep on it?

About Today's Photos

Ellie and Waffles have been hard at work in the office lately. The LOVE hanging out with Gloman. Especially Ellie. Of course there are other office attractions like the big windows that cast the most incredible sun puddles and the chipmunks that play tag on the rocks just outside. 


  1. You two have the most awesome house and humans ever! Okay, so mine aren't too shabby either, but I envy your views.

  2. Awww, you two always melt my heart with your cuteness and sweet conversations!

  3. These photos are all so adorable, but the last one is priceless and heartmelting.

  4. We missed you at the reunion last week! (We won't be saying exactly what number that was but it WAS more than elebenty)

  5. Aw, you both are perfect assistants!

  6. Manny and CB would go bonkers if there were chipmunks around...they already go crazy for the squirrels.
    Sweetie is my office assistant; she yells at me to get up once in awhile, and encourages me to lay down on the bed for a short break, so she can climb onto my chest and purr.

  7. Everyone needs a cute assistant like that

  8. those two are beyond adorable! I LOVE how they have bonded. Well done Waffles, well done!! Who would have thought? xoox

  9. You're such a cute assistant, Ellie ! We're sure you're a great helper too, Waffles. Purrs

  10. I love the look on Waffles when Elly says she will be boss MOL. Great seeing these two keeping things on an even keel

  11. Whoever scoops the litter boxes has Doody Duty !

  12. Assistant Snoozer, purrfect job!

  13. Ellie deserves a promotion of Office Assistant to Purrsonal Assistant, effective immediately! Waffles can have the title of CNO (Chief Naptime Officer), effective immediately.

    Ellie and Waffles look SO STINKIN' CUTE together! If I develop insulin resistance because of the extreme sweetness of these photos each week, I suing you, Glogirly! XD

  14. Aww, you two are both great helpers. And good snoozers, too!

  15. Yeah, you both are the best assistants a Gloman or Glogirl could want.


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