Sunday, February 14, 2010

Alone Again, Naturally

Hi everyone, Katie here.

I'm just hanging out here in the townhouse... waiting for the dreaded cat sitter to show up so I can hiss at her. Glogirly and Gloman are off to Florida for the week. I'm so sorry I have not been able to say hi and comment on your wonderful blogs, but believe me it's not MY fault. Just blame it on Glogirly. Between her swimsuit shopping and airbrush tanning she's been no help at all to me.

I have snuck a few of my favorite sports photos onto her laptop and threatened to hold the cat sitter hostage if Glogirly doesn't comply and allow me to participate in next week's Cat-O-Lympics over at Finny's place.

So please forgive my absence... remember it's GG not me...

I swear, I need my own laptop.


  1. WHY do our peoples think they can go off and leave us alone? Shouldn't vacations be trips for the ENTIRE family? I sure think so. Sorry to hear you're alone! *hugs*

  2. With your OWN laptop, you could take over the world (if you wanted to that is). Hope your week isn;t too lonely.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    We are sorry you are alone! When she comes home gives her the cold shoulder... the back of disrespect!

  4. Sorry you are alone, Katie, but just look at all that freedom you have this week; you can jump on the bed, eat Temptations for breakfast, etc.=all those things you can't get away with while GG is around!!!!!!...Happy Valentine's Day!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  5. Don't worry, Katie, you're in great hands! I have it on good authority that your catsitter is a big fan of yours and no matter how much you hiss, she's happy to take care of your every need!

  6. We fink yoo should publish and be damned! If yoo've beem abandoned GG deserves it!

    Happy Valentine's Day anyway. xx

  7. We think it's very inconsiderate of your humans to leave you alone like this, especially on Valentine's Day!

    Take care this week and we hope your cat sitter turns out to be great. :-)

    -Annie, Nicki and Derry

  8. You do look a bit forlorn in photos 1 and 2. But it is nice Gloman and Glogirly get to go on vacation. I hope it is warm enough for them! Florida got some snow last week! Maybe that would be the payback for leaving you - getting snowy days in Florida instead of tans!

    Happy Valentine's Day, and I think your idea of getting your own airbbok is a great one!

  9. It's alright Katie, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Happy Valentine's Day!
    your pal,

  10. We're sorry you are alone, my sisters and I are sending you Valentine's Day purrs!!!

  11. I have access to the computer since mom has it on her desk...and I know how to use it. Is there anything you need me to post for you Katie? Remember, you have furriends and we have access to the internet even if you don't.

  12. That is not fair that you are alone. Our Beans do that to us too.
    Happy Valentine's Day you.

  13. Yay! Thats how you do it Katie! force it upon them how dare GloGirly think she can leave you just when the cat-o-lympics are coming into town! Cant wait to see those sports photos

  14. Oh Katie..we feel your agony. The lady over here packs her red bag without warning. Its like we are non existent. Hang in there.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  15. Maybe see if she left her credit card behind and get yourself a laptop...and a couple pizzas...and invite some friends; she won't notice!

  16. A laptop of your own would be purrfect! We hope Glogirly and Gloman aren't freezing - we ARE!

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  17. Poor, poor Katie! When will your Mommy learn that you're the No. 1 Priority in life!

    Ah well, at least she made some preparations for you to blog a little.

    I hope the week passes quickly for you and that your mommy misses you terribly while she's away. It serves her right!

  18. awww pooor Katie! happy valentines day..i hope you and your friends come to read my special post titled "Felines and Valentines" in honor of the Day!

    Lots of love, Tamar, Kip and Petie

  19. ohhh, maybe they should call the ipad the PAWPAD! tehe!

  20. Sorry it has been a little bit cold in Florida. I hope they have fun visiting my state!

  21. Uh oh Katie

    Believe me your going to get your own form of revenge on the GLO's leaving you's C-O-L-D in Florida. I know cuz I live here year around. No shorts, or sandals will work here right now. In fact it got down to 28 degrees last night. So you just lay back and relax in your warm comfy condo and chuckle!

    Happy Valentines!

    purry ♥♥♥♥♥ purrs

  22. We're sorry you're all alone on Valentine's Day, Katie. We're sending you lots of purrs and head butts. And yeah, we agree, you should totally get your own laptop! :)

  23. It's not very nice of them to leave you alone on Valentines Day but hopefully they bring you presents from Florida to make up for it. Hope you have a good week!

  24. How could she leave such a pretty girl as you.

  25. Poor Glogirly, having to spend a vacation without you.
    You should have your own laptop, so you could keep in touch.

  26. Sitters are the pits, but they have one pawsitive. You can get them to give you more treats than your humans. Especially if you turn on the nice kitty act. :) he, he!

    And... Happy Valentine's day!!

  27. Happy Valentine's Day! We are sorry to hear that you have been abandoned! Thanks for visiting our blog, it was a delight to learn of a new reader!

    We went back and are reading your archives. You have a really fun blog that we enjoy reading very much.

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

  28. We hope Glogirly and Gloman have a great trip, and you aren't too hard on the cat sitter.

  29. Happy Valentine's Day to you. My mom is going to be out of town for a couple of days, too.

  30. I really think you should work on creating a cat friendly computer, no opposable thumbs needed.


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